Ivan Ivanchuk Small blog about software.
How to get started in software development

I don’t know why, but for some reason I’ve been asked many times the last couple of months how to get started in software development. To be honest, I’m not even close to understanding why this happens, I’m not some kind of cool or famous developer, but for some reason...


An elegant way to write Singleton in Java

I just typed “The book about loneliness” into Google, you should read it. I hope so. But if you’re looking for a book to become lonely, you should rather look in the section of “software”. This blog post is dedicated to senior software developers with 5+ years of experience. According...


How to deploy with Rultor and not shoot yourself in the leg

This guy is trying to set up a CI/CD pipeline. Please don’t distract him. Update! I was saved by Rultor today! Today @rultors saved a lot of time for me just by not letting me merge branches pic.twitter.com/pJTpEpdwI7— Ivan Ivanchuk (@L3r8y) March 24, 2023 This blog post is an addition...


Hands off the state of the object

How often do you see the creation of an object through configuration? What does that mean? Right, we have a mutable state of the object. Of course, this does not happen without the involvement of setters. What’s wrong with setters, you may ask. Well, absolutely everything! The fact that, for...


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