Ivan Ivanchuk Small blog about software.
Confluence clownship or How to avoid meetings and DTOs?

How often have you been annoyed by crappy written documentation in Confluence? All these endless wiki pages nested inside each other until your monitor runs out. Do you remember what it’s like to find two pages on the same topic that contradict each other; or your codebase matches with confluence...


How to use jcabi-aspects with gradle

This is a short guide on how to make jcabi-aspects work with gradle projects. This approach will work with Java, Kotlin, Scala and Groovy. First of all, add jcabi-aspects dependency into your build.gradle.kts file: dependencies { implementation("com.jcabi:jcabi-aspects:${latestVersion}") } To make jcabi’s annotations work, we have to weave our classes with...


Docker fix for my enviroment

This is just a quick note. I’ve been changing my working environment a lot lately and making this fix for docker. It is needed to avoid the following problem when running tests for Spring application on M* series processors Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find a valid Docker environment. Please...


On the cutting edge of exception handling

Unfortunately, in work, we’re using Spring Framework. Not too long ago I was able to discover an interesting detail in our approach to exception handling. Usually it looks like some class (most often a service) throws an exception. There is an exception handler in another part of the program that...


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